Burning Man Is The Most Bizarre Yet Popular Festival Of Its Type

Burning Man 2023: ANIMALIA

The world-famous Burning Man Festival takes place in Black Rock, Nevada, every year. Tens of thousands of people celebrate art and creativity over eight days in August and September during Labor Day. An large campfire burns a huge stuffed puppet, earning the name burning man.

Burning Man began in 1986 when 30 people burned a 3-meter-tall stuffed puppet on San Francisco’s beaches to commemorate the summer solstice. That started the gathering of artists with camp gear to survive the 104° temps. Since there’s no phone coverage, it’s a phone-free celebration.


Black Rock City is this temporary city. Respecting community rules allows anything. The rules are strict: no money, only barter or gift. You must bring food, drink, and electricity. Only ice and coffee stores exist. Another severe festival requirement is civic and environmental duty. Participants have a handbook with festival rules and ethics.


The event always takes the form of a big semi-circle, celebrating art and personal expression with modest creative installations for anybody with a project, theater performances, concerts, yoga classes, exhibitions, music, and DJ sets. Burning Man’s website announces Burning Man 2023: ANIMALIA


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